Now that we have our main background loop running the length of the movie, we’ll move through the movie and add accent sounds to key visual events that we want to emphasize with sound. We’ll want to add a few more layers for sounds and then move down the timeline to the first event. We will add a keyframe in one of our sound layers and add one of our accent sounds as an Event sound. Move through the timeline of your file and look for opportunities to add impact to the key visual events in your movie. Once you have emphasized all the visual events in the project ,you can test the movie and listen to the flow of the score. You should be testing to make sure the accent sounds work with the score and are effective in emphasizing the visual events of the movie. Going through this process will help you narrow down the sounds that are effective and add the right amount of depth. Next, listen to the project and note dull areas in which the loop seems to become redundant, or the visual attention wavers. Go into these weak spots and add some accents just to give depth to the piece. You can creatively fade in or loop and fade out accents that will add depth and keep the energy level at the right tempo for the piece.